Saturday, June 14, 2014

Vacation #1- Washington D.C. pt2


The White House-

Today we went to see the White House!!
We didn't take a tour inside but it was pretty interesting to see the surroundings.
I'll admit if I were the first lady I would deck out this place while I had the chance, and no basketball courts and bowling alleys don't count.

It was a little disturbing and kinda cool to see the snippers on the roof. I say kinda cool because my brothers and I always played together when I was younger and my inner tomboy was a little geeked.

I wasn't all too impressed with the architecture sad to say. I had seen many of its strong points in other countries during various time periods. Other parts were all too federal for me.
Despite feeling like I was in a court room at all times, there was a certain spice in the air that I did enjoy. It made me want to get up and be active( well more active anyway) 
If you ever have the chance to see the White House I really recommend doing so.
See you guys next time with more from D.C!!

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